Op Wednesday 19 November 2008 03:39:01 schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Our design is roughly as follows: we have some pre-query filters,
> queries typically involving around 25 clauses, and some
> post-processing of hits. We collect counts and filter post query
> using a hit collector, which uses the (now deprecated) bits() method
> of Filters.
> I looked at converting us to use the new DocIdSet infrastructure (to
> gain the supposed 30% speed bump), but this seems to be somewhat
> problematic as there is no guarantee for whether we will get back a
> set we can do binary operations on (for example, if we get back a
> SortedVIntList, we're pretty much out of luck - the cardinality of
> the set is large (as it's a sortedvintlist), so we can't coerce it
> into another type, and it doesn't have the set operations we need to
> use it directly.

Is this part of the problem

Also consider o.a.l.util.OpenBitSetDISI, and how that is used in

Paul Elschot

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