Hi Sergey,

On 11/20/2008 at 9:30 AM, Sergey Kabashnyuk wrote:
> How can I convert java.math.BigDecimal numbers in to string
> for its storing in lexicographical order

Here's a thoroughly untested idea, cribbing some from 
o.a.l.document.NumberTools[1]: convert BigDecimals into strings of the 
following form:

   <significand-sign> <exponent-sign> <exponent> <significand>

As in NumberTools, the signs consist of either the '-' or the '0' character; 
'-' < '0'.

The exponent must be fixed length, and serialized as in NumberTools, with 
left-zero-padding and using the negative inversion trick.  The exponent could 
be expressed in any base that will fit into Java's 16-bit char - Lucene's 
NumberTools uses base 36; see Solr's NumberUtils[2] or LUCENE-1434[3] for base 
0x8000 implementations.

The exponent can be calculated from the number of digits in the serialized base 
10 form of the significand (BigDecimal's "unscaled value") and the "scale" (the 
number of digits after the decimal): exponent = (number of significand digits) 
- scale - 1.

The significand field can be variable length, though it can't contain any 
left-zero-padding, and could be expressed in any base; again, see [2] or [3].

Some examples (base 10 and 4-char-width exponent used for purposes of 
exposition), in sorted order:

   +5.E-3     => 0 - 9996 5
   +1.E-2     => 0 - 9997 1
   +1.0E-2    => 0 - 9997 10
   +1.0000E-2 => 0 - 9997 10000
   +1.1E-2    => 0 - 9997 11
   +1.11E-2   => 0 - 9997 111
   +1.2E-2    => 0 - 9997 12
   +5.E-2     => 0 - 9997 5
   +7.3E+2    => 0 0 0002 73
   +7.4E+2    => 0 0 0002 74
   +7.45E+2   => 0 0 0002 745
   +8.7654E+3 => 0 0 0003 87654

Negative numbers are a problem for the significand, though, since NumberTools' 
negative inversion trick assumes a fixed-precision minimum value - you'd need 
to use a different technique here in order to enable variable length 

Another entirely untested idea, to handle variable length negative 
significands: substitute (base - digit - 1) for each digit of the serialized 
representation (e.g. in base 10, 4 => 5 & 0 => 9), then append a sentinal digit 
that is greater than all other digits used to represent the significand.  The 
format for negative BigDecimals, then, would be:

   '-' <reversed-exponent-sign> <negated-exponent> <significand> <sentinel>

where the exponent and its sign are negated before serialization, so that their 
sense is reversed.

Some negative examples (base 10 and 4-char-width exponent used for purposes of 
exposition), in sorted order:

   -8.7654E+3 => - - 9996 12345 A
   -7.45E+2   => - - 9997 254 A
   -7.4E+2    => - - 9997 25 A
   -7.3E+2    => - - 9997 26 A
   -5.E-2     => - 0 0002 4 A
   -1.2E-2    => - 0 0002 87 A
   -1.11E-2   => - 0 0002 888 A
   -1.1E-2    => - 0 0002 88 A
   -1.0000E-2 => - 0 0002 89999 A
   -1.0E-2    => - 0 0002 89 A
   -1.E-2     => - 0 0002 8 A
   -5.E-3     => - 0 0003 4 A

The use of the sentinel digit 'A', which is greater than all of the other 
digits [0-9], ensures that negative values with greater precision are ordered 
before those that share significand prefixes but have lesser precision.

Although BigDecimal claims to support arbitrary precision, its scale 
representation is an int (32 bits), and its significand ("unscaled value") can 
have at most Integer.MAX_VALUE bits (c.f. 
java.math.BigInteger.bitLength():int[4]).  If the width of the exponent field 
is made so that it can express all long values (64 bits), I *think* this scheme 
can handle all BigDecimal values.


[1] o.a.l.document.NumberTools: 
[2] o.a.s.util.NumberUtils: 
[3] IndexableBinaryStringTools JIRA issue: 
[4] BigInteger.bitLength(): 

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