On Saturday 14 March 2009 13:38:16 Niels Ott wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on my prototype system and it turns out that RangeQueries 
> are quite slow. In a first test I have about 80.000 documents in my 
> index and I combine two range queries with a normal text query using the 
> BooleanQuery.
> On the long run I will need to enhance my index at indexing-time so that 
> the range queries will be substituted by simple keywords.

Perhaps that is avoidable, see the reference below.

> For now, I'm interested in a possibility to speed up range queries. Does 
> the performance of a range query depend on the length of contents in the 
> field in question?

Performance normally mostly depends on the number of terms indexed within
the queried range. To limit the number of terms used during a range search,
have a look here for more info on the new TrieRangeQuery:

Paul Elschot

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