
I find EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector is expired in lucene 7.2.1.

Java doc says Pass trackTotalHits=false to {@link TopFieldCollector}
instead of using this class.

But I find TopFiledCollector can not fully replace

In EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector there is a numDocsToCollect parameter
while TopFiledCollector has not.

Usually we want to early terminate collecting in a reasonable big number.

Let's say I want top 10 result from top 1,000,000 sorting doc while real
total hit may be a huge number.

In TopFiledCollector, if I pass numHits as 1,000,000 then the priority
queue size should be 1,000,000 which is a waste of memory.

In EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector we can set numDocsToCollect as 1,000,000,
but the priority queue size of filter collector may be only 10.

Is it right?

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