
I am contacting you because I came across your
website and see a potential way in which we can
work together. The partnership arrangement I'm
referring to can add $500 - $1200 per month to
your site's revenue (that is what our average
partners make. If you have a heavy traffic site
you can expect $1800+ per month. (Our top associates
make around $4000 every month).

Plus, when you join our program I'll give you, absolutely
free, a downloadable version of the Managing a Small Business
CD-ROM (a $49.97 value). See the P.S. for more details.

We are the publishers of the "Managing a Small
Business" CD-ROM, which is a comprehensive guide
and toolkit for starting and operating a small
business. The CD-ROM is sold for $49.97, it provides
must-know information crucial to success in a small
business and is a hot seller on the Internet. It is
with this CD-ROM that we can establish a mutually
profitable relationship.

Our business model is quite simple:

The site where the CD-ROM is sold is designed as
a free small business resource and is loaded with
useful guides and tips. The CD-ROM offer is buried
within the site.

All you have to do is place on your site a banner or
a text link that refer visitors to our site. Note that
you are not offering the CD-ROM, you are merely referring
your visitors to a useful free small business resource.
Beside being a useful free resource, our site is also doing
a terrific job in converting visitors into buyers of the
CD-ROM while maximizing your commissions. We will pay you
40% of every sale that is generated from visitors referred
by your site (that's $20 per sale).

You benefit in two ways: you add value to your website by
presenting your visitors with a useful free small business
resource. Plus, you earn a handsome commission on every sale.

To sum up here is what you gain by partnering with us:

* participate for FREE!
* receive $20 commission per sale (that is 40% of every sale!)
* add value to your website
* we provide everything required for online promotion -
  banners, text links copy, etc.
* be up and running TODAY - after you register, you will
  receive our "welcome package" email in 5 minutes with
  everything you need
* you can track your earnings in real time
* third party tracking - our program is monitored and run
  by a respected and trusted third-party affiliate tracking

To join our program go to:

To see the sales site go to:

Hope to see you on our team

Meir Liraz, president

P.S. If you join our program and place our banner on your site
within 5 days, I'll give you, absolutely free, a downloadable
version of the Managing a Small Business CD-ROM (a $49.97 value).
Just e-mail me the URL that contains our banner and I'll immediately
send you instructions on how to download your free MSB manual.

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JAVA2D-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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