
While this does not directly reply to your question please note that 8-to-1 bit
dithering is possible using Java Advanced Imaging. Sample code for dithering
using the "ErrorDiffusion" and "OrderedDither" operations is provided at

Note that in the example a BufferedImage could be used as the source image of
either operation.


> I have the following problem: I have a Buffered image, then I want to
> transcode it into as small as possible format for
> wireless transfer. The most suitable format is PNG and since the
> wireless devices usually only support monochrome
> images, I want to encode the image in this mode. Therefore I create an
> IndexColorModel with two palette entries, black
> and white. Then I call a colorConvertOp.filter(srcImg,destImg), where
> destImage has the aforementioned monochrome
> IndexColorModel. While this works procedure, it is still missing a
> piece. The problem is the destImg looks quite bad, the
> light parts of the image are totally white, while others are totally
> black. What I want is a dithered BW image that would
> show some "grayness".
> The question is: how do I dither an image? Specifically, how do I dither
> the image to two colors? I'm not familiar with
> the dithering algorithm, so I was wondering if there is some
> BufferedImageOp or RasterOp that can be configured to
> pose as dithering operation? Can dithering be expressed as a convolution
> or is it a totally another kind of operation? If
> yes, can someone point me to an appropriate kernel, if not, does someone
> have this operation implemented? I need a
> Java algorithm, preferebly something that works hand-in-hand with
> BufferedImage concepts.

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