We are currently working on improving performance of our nice little product that 
hopefully will give Java on the client some additional momentum.

While testing we have noticed that drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) in JRE 1.4 is significant 
slower with translucent colors than with opaque colors (and also slower than in JRE 
1.3), and this is the main performance bottleneck of our product (although not 
dramatic). We understand that the main reason for this is that currently no hardware 
acceleration is used when painting translucent colors.

Question 1: Will there be hardware acceleration for translucent colors in future? And 
is there already a rough idea when this might happen? If this won't happen or if it 
will take some more time we will try to reduce usage of translucency.

Question2: In many cases we are using drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) to paint one single 
pixel. Is there a faster way to paint one single pixel or is this already as fast as 
if there was a method paintPixel(x, y)?


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