BTW, in  the future this error will not be propagated up.   This is to
support people rendering text into odd transforms while doing animation
with it (think of text 'spinning in 3d' around the y axis, for example--
at some point it becomes 'edge-on' and that transform is not invertible).

The noninvertible transform exception in 1.4 should have been
documented.  My apologies.


Phil Race wrote:

Rosenstrauch, David wrote:

Got the following stack trace:

java.lang.InternalError: Could not invert devTX

The problem is occurring during a call to FontMetrics.getStringBounds(String,
Graphics) which is occuring during Component.paint(Graphics  g), and as a
result of event handling on a JComboBox (ActionListener.actionPerformed).

call Graphics2D.getTransform() and check if you've somehow specified a non-invertible transform. That's what it looks like.


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