When I iterate over the path iterator, I find many DUPLICATE

Is there some way to get a PathIterator from an Area that will not
have duplicate consecutive points?

One question is whether or not you have discovered any practical problems from these extra points or is it just that they seem superflous?

These are most likely due to the fact that Area has no
"setting" for degree of error so it is probably a bit too
exacting on what it considers to be "identical geometry".  Are
the points exact duplicates or are they off by the last couple
of decimal places?

The problem is that when you perform intersection calculations
you never really end up with the exact coordinate of the
intersection because floating point doesn't have infinite
precision.  When those numbers then come back to try to
interact with each other in later parts of the calculation
the algorithms end up concluding that they are different
coordinates and so what was intersected and sliced cannot
be reconnected in all cases.

If we added some kind of "precision limit" then we could decide
that all coordinates within a certain distance from each other
were the same and then set both to, say, the average of the

This lack of a settable limit on its precision not only leads
to lots of "geometry dirt" in its output, but also can lead to
it taking quadratically longer to work on a path as you perform
more operations.

You might look at:

       4818309 - Area on Area ops insert unwanted vertices
       4798837 - Area subtrac method duplicates points

They show that the coordinates really are different if that is
the same problem you are seeing.  These should probably be turned
into an RFE to add the precision limit since their answer isn't
really "wrong" in the absolute sense of the word, just sub-optimal
for programmers...


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