

I’m doing lots of drawing in my java app.  I respond to mouse events and draw polygons, and I’m doing the drawing over an image, so I have some off-screen double-buffering going on.


My drawing used to be really snappy, but with recent versions of the java VM, I’m lucky if it responds to about four mousemoves a second. 


At one point my guess is that I was sending too many Refresh (redraw) messages, and the AWT was waiting for the steam of redraws to stop for a second before it responded to the last one, so I would pace my redraw commands so that I would only request about 10 per second, and for a while that seemed to help.  Now in Java 1.5, I’m down to about two refreshes per second.


How can I control this mechanism that’s combining redraw events and adding these pauses? 





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