Depending on the complexity of your drawing, simply rerendering the
scene with the objects in the new position (with double buffering) may
work well for 10 frames/second performance.  Switch to using Swing with
a JPanel (you'll have to override paintComponent instead of paint) and
call repaint() every 100ms instead of drawing it directly.

If your scene is complicated, though, then a layering solution as others
have suggested can help with the performance...


Thanasis (Hotmail) wrote:
Hi to everyone,

i have built a graphics application using only AWT.
Inside a Panel i illustrate a graph which has a number of nodes and arcs
(i have drawn THE GRAPH  using g.fillOval and g.drawLine methods).
What i want to achieve is to move a red node (circle) from one point P1 inside 
Panel to another Point P2.
I have done it as follows:
while (P1!=P2){
  draw the node in red color(fillOval)
  draw the node in white color(fillOval)
  move P1
The problem is that as the node is moving it ERASES any previous pixels
lying below it.
Is there any way to get the color of these pixels that lie below the moving node
and DRAW IT ONLY if those pixels are white?

Thanks in advance

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