First, its not a bug in TextLayout drawString behaves identically.
You can prove this as follows, instead of your AttributedString use

                Font fo = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12);
                fo = fo.deriveFont(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2 +
scale, 3));
                g2d.drawString(text, x, y);

Second, text does not scale linearly because of the same hinting
and gridfitting effects I described earlier, and the glyphs are
fitted to the pixel grid and you are specifying fractional point sizes.

FRACTIONAL_METRICS is being specified but that affects only the
accumulation of the advance. It doesn't change the images.
You'd probably see a similar effect with the outline if you


Michele Puccini wrote:
Thanks Phil,

I did a little mistake: is not a problem of the outline, which is indeed
Well, a piece of code is worth a thousand words.

The attached sample shows the "animated" difference between
TextLayout.draw() and g2d.draw(TextLayout.getOutline). Please give it a
try and see what happens. Is is quite funny to see the glyphs in the
first line jumping one pixel to the other just like the space invaders
in that old arcade game ;)

As you will see from the animation, the glyphs rendered with
TextLayout.draw() jump from one pixel to the other (at int coords ?),
while the glyph outlines are rendered with the expected quality.
Funny enough, the red cursor on the "C" letter is rendered "at float

So, in my opinion, TextLayout.draw() does not give the expected quality
resuls and this is a pity as it really is very useful.



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----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Race" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] AttributedString and Outline

The bitmap glyph images are hinted and gridfitted.
This is not done for the returned outline as it
doesn't make sense to do that for a pure shape.

For most of what you are doing you need outlines
anyway as the rasteriser can only return glyph


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