>I tried it.

what is the percentage differential you measure?
I trust you ran a benchmark which ran a loop of (say) 50 times?

>I have read somewhere that the C library used is not efficient and
that the Intel library is faster.

no idea what that's about. Both APIs use the same C lib. Its the IJG lib
which  is very widely used
and hopefully easily optimised by C compilers.
Did you try the jai tools version of image i/o? That has some different
code .. supposedly faster.


Thanks Phil.
I tried it. It it is a faster but not as fast as the old library. It still 
looks to me that at 400ms this is slow. Shouldn't it be possible to make a 
multi threaded image reader. Do you know what is really taking most of this 
time? I have read somewhere that the C library used is not efficient and that 
the Intel library is faster.

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