I am trying to implement an animation in Fullscreen mode (FSEM) where the 
background remains static to a large extent and only some small portion of the 
display should differ from frame to frame. I can do this by drawing both the 
static background image and the animating foreground image to the back buffer 
and then display it using BufferStrategy.show():

Suppose the background image is bg (a BufferedImage) and suppose that the small 
part that changes during the animation is stored in another image fg. For 
simplicity suppose that the screen position where fg is drawn does not change 
in successive frames. I can implement this as follows:

public void animate(){
  if (getBufferStrategy().contentsLost())
  Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) getBufferStrategy().getDrawGraphics();
  g.drawImage(bg,x1,y1,null);   // x1,y1,bg never change
  g.drawImage(fg,x2,y2,null);    // x2,y2 constant, only fg changes

  First of all, your buffer strategy handling is not
  entirely correct. You are not supposed to recreate
  the buffer strategy when it's lost, it's taken
  care for you.
  Take a look at the suggested loop in the BS's
  javadoc (updated for jdk1.6):


  Regarding your question
  Unfortunately the buffer strategy api does not provide
  partial front-buffer updates. However, if the strategy is hw
  accelerated the showing of the back-buffer is very
  fast. Most games don't bother with partial updates,
  they re-render the whole back-buffer every time.

  If you're concerned with re-rendering the whole back-buffer
  on every frame, you can also create
  a bufferstrategy with FlipContents.COPY capability.
  It will ensure that the contents of the back-buffer
  do not change after you do the show(), so you
  can only re-render stuff you need in the back-buffer,
  and then show() it (all).

  However, before going to all these troubles, make
  sure there's actually an issue - profile the application
  and see what really takes time.


But I am a bit concerned with this approach. Because this implementation has to 
blit/flip the entire back buffer to front even though most part is actually 
never changing. I am wondering if there is a better way of doing this. For 
example, is there a way to blit/flip only a portion of the front buffer? Or is 
this actually taken care of by the BufferStrategy behind the scene?
[Message sent by forum member 'boyaci' (boyaci)]


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