Chris pointed out that this is on Sparc, so no
  nice nvidia/ati boards there, but I agree that
  you could first try to tune your application
  with the default pipeline - it may just perform
  well enough.

  There's some information about the pipeline
  properties here:

  But in short, you can, as Clemens suggested,
  try -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false property first
  if your app does lots of translucency/antialiasing.

  Also, try setting this env. variable (without the flag
    export J2D_PIXMAPS=shared
  More info:

  And make sure that you have enough shared memory
  on your system

  Java2D Team

I would first try out how well it does on the XVR600, I guess it should be good 
enough for most purposes - maybe you don't even need the OpenGL pipeline. You 
could also try to set pmoffscreen if you have to render many translucent 
objects, or if you do a lot of antialiasing.

As far as I know Nvidia cards are quite well supported on Solaris (Nvidia 
provides X11/OpenGL solaris drivers), all in all nvidia cards are the best 
consumer cards if you would like to run the OpenGL pipeline.(Don't go for they 
cheapest models, 7300GT (which is a 7600) and up are ok).

lg Clemens
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