First of all, FYI, b07 is out. It has a couple of
  important fixes - it significantly improves performance
  of Netbeans (and other applications which use
  LCD and grayscale AA text simultaneously) and addresses
  issues on Intel chips.

Ken Warner wrote:
I have an NVida GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro Driver Version
Running Windows 2000 SP4 and DirectDraw 9.0c  -- real old stuff and
yet the most current version of the driver and Java 1.6 is about 3 times
faster than 1.5.

  There are two issues here: GF2 does not meet minimum hw requirements
  so the pipeline will be disabled. You will need
  at least some GeForce FX board (with Shaders 2.0) with
  HW Transform and Lighting.

  Secondly, starting with b08 the pipeline will only be enabled
  on client-class OS (WinXP and newer). Win2K* are classified as
  a server-class OS flavor.

  The reason for this policy is that typically on servers people
  care more about stability than performance, and the drivers
  for these systems are lagging behind client OS-es.


It's hard for me to run the beta version to test hardware acceleration.

Have their been any reports about this card failing?  When will there be
a 1.6 JRE with hardware acceleration so I can try my work -- it's an applet.


I have filed bug
6629891: D3D: Rendering artifacts with older driver [Nvidia Quadro NVS 110M]
to track this issue (will appear on soon).

We'll disable the pipeline on drivers older than (earliest known
to work at this point).

[Message sent by forum member 'trembovetski' (trembovetski)]

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