Another thing - is that blinking rectangle (the one that
  shows the currently selected handle) done via
  xor paint mode? If so, it would slow things down
  on systems with Direct3D pipeline enabled because
  xor operations are not accelerated (6635462).

  It would work ok for smaller areas like in your app
  but if you can find a way to do it differently it'd
  be helpful. Unfortunately the bug with unaccelerated
  xor ops isn't easy to fix.


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

  I could not reproduce the issue on my system (XP
  with Nvidia 6800 board).

  What is your configuration?
  (if possible, please run any swing app from
  console with J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 environment
  variable set and post the output).

  It looks from the screenshot that if you're running on
  Vista, is that the case?

  If so, there's a known problem with Vista and
  applets right now because of Vista's bug, see this:
    6670586: D3D: Applets fail to repaint and  display properly- flickering 
[Vista, DWM]

  Do you get the same behavior when Aero is disabled?

  Java2D Team

I installed Java 6u10 and I'm testing my new applet and I'm having a problem with it. if you open this page :

and try to play with the browser scrollbar you will get overlap in the applet, at first I thought something is wrong with my color wheel itself but after extensive observation I found that :

1-Even normal swing are overlapping with each other and with the page itself. 2-I tried to actively repaint the content pane of the applet (through another thread ), I managed to get the applet to clear the mess, but because the overlapped happened even outside the applet box(which I can't repaint), this didn't work. 3-I tried with many other applet and I still getting annoying overlapping. you can see what I'm talking about here:

Any ideas ?
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