I'm looking for a way to apply a simple convolution kernel to an
array of int's representing the RGB of an image.

I've looked at Graphics2D.  It has a setTransform()
method but only allows an affine transform -- scale,rotate,shear etc.

I've looked at ConvolveOp but it only takes BufferedImages, Rasters and
WriteableRasters as arguments.

The native ops for ConvolveOp are in the sun.awt.image.ImagingLib class
but the methods for ImagingLib only take BufferedImages,Rasters and

I can write the convolution calculation myself but that will be cow
slow in execution.  I want hardware acceleration on the convolution
if I can get it.

So I'm stuck.  Does anyone know of a secret sun.awt.* class that would
do convolutions on a simple int array?

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