
I've recently started playing around with Java2D and started noticing that 
neither BufferedImage nor VolatileImage objects are accelerated on my Windows 
Server 2008 machine. I'm using native NVidia drivers, have DirextX 10 installed 
and every native DirectX game I own works fine.

Changing the [i]sun.java2d.d3d[/i] and [i]sun.java2d.noddraw[/i] flags doesn't 
change this matter. The only way I found to get the images accelerated is to 
use [i]sun.java2d.opengl[/i], however, I didn't experience this to be any 
faster than the software rendering I'm getting without it.

After hours of debugging and testing, I finally got the actual error message by 
setting the environment variable [i]J2D_TRACE_LEVEL[/i] to 4, as suggested in 
various troubleshooting threads round here.
What I get (when not using the OpenGL pipeline) is:
[I] OS Version = OS_WINSERV_2008 or newer
[E] D3DPPLM::CheckOSVersion: Windows 2000 or earlier (or a server) OS detected, 

What's the reason for making the DirectX pipeline work only on non-server 
Windows OS? Is there any way to get around this issue?

As I said, all other DirectX applications work (even with DirectX 10 features!).

Any suggestions or hints are highly appreciated.

-- smf68
[Message sent by forum member 'smf68' (smf68)]


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