
  First of all, what java version is this with?
  Have you tried 6u10 (http://jdk6.dev.java.net)?

Hello there,

I would greatly appreciate if one of you Java2D guru could help me out with my problem. I've got a rendering engine that draws an image on multiple backbuffers (VolatileImages) and then blit them together as one before drawing it on a JPanel. Under Windows XP with dual monitor capabilities set as dualview when I drag the application to the second monitor the JPanel image goes blank and when I drag it back onto the initial monitor the image comes back.
A potential solution was to recreate the VolatileImages with the new 
GraphicsConfiguration object as I move across monitors but the whole 
application just hangs.

  It's not really a potential solution but a requirement. When
  window is moved to a different screen its GraphicsConfiguration
  changes so you'll get IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE error when validating
  a Volatile image prior to copying. This is when you're supposed
  to recreate the images:

  Could you get a stack trace of the hang?

  Also, I would suggest to use BufferStrategy for double buffering
  instead of VolatileImages, it's more efficient.


Does anyone has ever experience something like it?

[Message sent by forum member 'magpie' (magpie)]


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