Sorry, a few small corrections :) I forgot to account for the fact that the 
desktop might support ClearType rendering but the user disabled them.


DEFAULT: Anti-aliasing is on for JDK 1.6 if desktop anti-aliasing is enabled, 
OFF for JDK 1.5

It may not be clear to others - or perhaps you- but your comments above refer to *Swing* behaviours. Not 2D.
2D's default on all (Sun) implementations to date is "OFF."

And for 1.5 there was no code in AWT for Swing to use to pick up desktop properties. Its all new in 1.6 - if you can call 1.6 new anymore, since its been out for almost 2 years.
ON: Anti-aliasing is on, using whatever algorithm is preferred by the desktop. 
If the desktop anti-aliasing is disabled this falls back on JDK rendering.
Wrong. the rendering hint value "ON" means greyscale AA. It does not mean desktop default. And on windows "ON" is not going to correspond to any windows desktop setting. For windows its either "OFF", "GASP" (== windows standard), or "LCD_HRGB"(~=cleartype)
[Message sent by forum member 'cowwoc' (cowwoc)]



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