Like I said, "...oh well..."

Might just be my old machine that is giving
me inaccurate results from StrictMath.  It's
an old PIII.  But I can't get back 0 or 1
from the sin() method when I need them to be 0 or 1.

Also, what should be a straight integer multiply
using real numbers for the integer value frequently
returns a non integer result.  I'll get back a number
like (and this is a fabricated example for clarity not
an actual calculation) 9.9999 when I should get 10.0.

Stuff like that and the trig() methods are really slow.
I use a 7'th degree Legrange polynomial multiplication for an
approximation of atan2() because it's faster than atan2().
That's not right...

Er... is StrictMath already FPU accelerated?  If it
is then, oh well...

Its as far accalerated as the FPU produces acceptable results.
For example on x86 the sin-command is used only in a special range where its 
known to be correct.

The current Math package is really not very good.
or low level graphics stuff where 5 significant
digits is
the minimum accuracy that is useful.

Almost can't believe that its so inaccurat, they do a great amount of work to 
ensure that as far as I know.
After all, using straight FPU commands, accuracy won't be any better, at least 
on x86.

lg Clemens
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