I have a question....
If I have a buffered image. I apply some changes to the image, such as smoothen 
the image. How can I display the new image. Here is a snippet of my source 
code. Because everytime I apply the the new image. The only thing is see is my 
original image. What are the few things to keep in mind to update an 
image(i.e.)after using setrgb()

    class MyPanel extends JPanel
        //Purpose: a panel in which to draw

        //global offscreen and the Graphics2D variable g2
        private BufferedImage bufImag;
        protected Graphics2D g2;
        private int x,y;
        final int offScrWidth=1500,offScrHeight=1500;

        public MyPanel()

          bufImag = new 
                          InputStream in = new FileInputStream("Skull.JPG");
                          bufImag = ImageIO.read(in);
                  catch (IOException ex) {}

          g2 = bufImag.createGraphics();

          setPreferredSize(new Dimension(offScrWidth,offScrHeight));

                g2.drawImage(bufImag, 0,0,null);

                public void smoothme ()
                          int sum=0;
                          int width=bufImag.getWidth();
                          int height=bufImag.getHeight();
                          int[][] pixels = new int[width][height];

                          int I,J,i,j;
                                for (J=0;J<height;J++)
                                        for (I=0;I<width;I++)
                                                pixels[I][J] = 
(bufImag.getRGB(I,J)& 0x000000ff);

                          bufImag = new 
        //set of codes for processing the image

                                for (J=0;J<width;J++)
                                        for (I=0;I<height;I++)

                           g2.drawImage(bufImag, 0,0,null);

                  public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
                        //Purpose: do a complete screen refresh here
                        //Input: a Graphics to draw on
                        //Output: changes to the Graphics

                    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;//copy offscreen to screen
                    g2.drawImage(bufImag, null,0,0);
                class smooth{
                   // Main class
                   public static void main(String[] args){

                      MyPanel     myPanel=new MyPanel();
                      MyFrame     myFrame=new MyFrame(myPanel);

                      System.out.println("\n\nEnd of Processing");

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