Chris Campbell wrote:

>No, the DirectDraw pipeline no longer exists as of JDK 6u10. If the D3D pipeline is disabled (or can't be enabled due to driver/hardware >problems) we switch back to using GDI for onscreen rendering, and VolatileImages/BufferStrategy then become backed by system >memory surfaces (analogous to BufferedImages, which implies software rendering).

By way of clarification, this is because the old DX7 and D3D 9 APIs are different and you can't
use both, so we had no choice.

2) 6u10 added native font rendering to Java. When is this enabled? Is it always used in all pipelines or just in the D3D rendering?

I'll leave this one for Phil or Igor.

Its implemented in a manner independent of pipelines. It wouldn't have been worthwhile to do it in a way that only worked on some surfaces, or that was sucky slow for them.


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