Ubirajara Moreira Neto wrote:
Hi... Thanks for the fast reply.

Disabling the ddraw fixes my problem.
About the JFrame I don't think its a problem since it has disabled
repainting. Unless there is something besides that and so you may
correct me :)

For one, you're loading Swing classes (and lots of them) even though youdon't use them.


thanks again

Dmitri Trembovetski escreveu:
  Make sure you're setting -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true when using jogl.

Also, you do not want to use GLCanvas with Swing (which you apparently are doing).
  So instead of creating a JFrame, use Frame.


Ubirajara Moreira Neto wrote:
I were using J6u03 and decided to upgrade today to u13... for my surprise there was a problem with my app.

My fullscreen mode that was ok with u03 now seems to be rendering my canvas only at 1/4 of the screen (also not in the screen center... but on the top left).
Bellow is a small part of my code...

       GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();

       GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities();

       renderCanvas=new GLCanvas(capabilities);

       frame.getContentPane().add("Center", renderCanvas);
       initFullScreen(gd, frame);

the initFullScreen interesting part would be


My guess is something in the method
           frame.getContentPane().add("Center", renderCanvas);
What changed in recent versions for fullscreen? I saw on the source that the method add(String, Component) is obsolet (why not deprecated?)... does this have something to do with it? I'm asking this in advance while I check and compare the j6u13 source further but maybe you guys could help me spare some time.... thanks in advance :)

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