Hi all,

I made an typing error in my last post I should have said Press insert F2 and I also figured out how to get the five radio buttons so I can read them press the jaws curses and then select the one you want by moving the PC curses to jaws but I am stuck on the next step

I still do not completely understand how to make those annoying adds go away by using flexible web so I guess I will just have to leave it until I understand it more.

Re: [JAWS-Users] flexable web
Well I don't have specifics on setting up flexible web but I do know that jaws is not correctly announcing the number of radial buttons. At that point there is only the one. I believe that when modifying a setting you have already created more of the buttons become available. I have been able to get it to work but it is still foggy to me on exactly how to go through making the changes I want.
Does anyone know of any SF podcasts addressing the subject?
Tom Bisset
-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [
On Behalf Of anna vimini
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 12:11 PM

Subject: [JAWS-Users] flexable web

Hi all,

could someone on the list explain to me how to use flexible web?

The way I did it was to Press insert F1 and then arrow down to flexible web and then pressed enter then I was stuck on what to do next their is five radio buttons but when I use my arrow keys to go through them to see what the choices are the arrow keys do not move they just stay on the first radio button.

so could someone please explain how to use Flexible web?

I am trying to get it to turn off those annoying adds that are on some web pages when I am trying to read something.

thanks in advance

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