Can you get to the menu bar by pressing the alt key? If you cant your FireFox might be in full screen mode. If this is the case you can hit either the F11 or shift and F11 to take it out of full screen mode. I can't remember which of those keystrokes is the right one but it is one of those.

Greg Wocher

Follow me on Twitter @GWocher

On 5/4/2014 3:36 PM, Nicholas Jackson wrote:
I actually didn't try that when I first noticed the problem. I just
tried it, though, and I'm still having the issue, so something
bizarre's going on here. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I probably
should have thought of doing that first!

On 5/4/14, Pinky <pink...@abe.midco.net> wrote:
Did you reboot your pc.  Some time when Jaws is not working properly a
reboot will solve some issues.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On
Behalf Of Nicholas Jackson
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2014 7:04 PM
To: Jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Firefox and Keyboard Shortcuts with Jaws.

  Has anyone else had issues recently using keyboard shortcuts with Jaws to
access Bookmarks and other features in Firefox? I tried to get to one of my
bookmarks this morning and noticed that the key combination to get to  the
Bookmarks menu suddenly didn't do anything.
I was able to use it without any problems earlier this week before the Jaws
update. Could Firefox or something in this update have caused some change
that Jaws doesn't recognize this keystroke? I have Windows 7 and Jaws
15.0.9023. Does anyone know of any workarounds I could try? Thanks.


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