Here's something that might help.

Quick reference card
PivotTable I - Get started with PivotTable reports in Excel 2007

. Overview of PivotTable reports and PivotChart reports
. Design the layout and format of a PivotTable report
. Select different source data for a PivotTable report
. Group items in a PivotTable report
. Connect to (import) external data
. Connect to (import) an OLAP database
. PivotTable II: Filter PivotTable report data in Excel 2007

Prepare the source data

Here are recommendations for setting up your Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 
worksheet for an Excel 2007

PivotTable® report:

list of 3 items
. Make sure each column has a heading. These column headings are used to 
name the fields in the PivotTable

report (a field summarizes multiple rows of information
from the source data).
. Put similar data in each column. For example, text items in one column, 
numbers in another column, and dates in

another column.
. Remove any blank rows or columns.
list end

Note If you open in Excel 2007 an Excel workbook created in a version prior 
to Excel 2007, and you create an

Excel 2007 PivotTable report, the layout area
will be in Classic PivotTable layout instead of in the Excel 2007 layout. To 
avoid this, follow these steps:

list of 4 items
1. Save the data as an Excel 2007 file.
2. Close the workbook.
3. Open it again.
4. Create the PivotTable report.
list end

If you do this before you create the PivotTable report, the layout area will 
be in Excel 2007 layout.

Create a PivotTable report
list of 2 items
1. Select a cell or range of cells.
2. Click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the arrow on PivotTable, 
and on the menu, click PivotTable.
list end

The Create PivotTable dialog box opens.

list of 2 items
3. Select a table or range is already selected for you. The Table/Range box 
shows the range of the selected data.
4. New Worksheet is also selected for you as the place where the report will 
be placed (you can click Existing

Worksheet if you don't want the report placed
in a new worksheet). Click OK.
list end

On the left is the layout area ready for the PivotTable report, and on the 
right is the PivotTable Field List. This list

shows the column titles from the
source data: Each title is a field in the list.

list of 1 items
5. In the field list, select the check boxes next to the fields that you 
want to add to the report.
list end

Fields are automatically added to the report. Fields that are non-numeric 
are added to the Row Labels area of the

report. As you add more non-numeric fields,
Excel places them on the inside of fields already on the PivotTable report, 
building a hierarchy. Numeric fields are

added on the right.

list of 3 items
. To remove a field from the report, clear the check box next to the field 
name in the field list.
. To remove all the fields from a report so that you can start over again, 
click the Options tab on the Ribbon under

PivotTable Tools. In the Actions group,
click the arrow on the Clear button, and then select Clear All.
. To delete the entire report, click the Options tab. In the Actions group, 
click the arrow on Select. Click Entire

Table. Then press DELETE.
list end

Sort a field
list of 1 items
. Right-click a cell in the field you want to sort. Point to Sort, and then 
click an option. For example, click Sort

Largest to Smallest or More Sort Options.
list end

Group a field

You can group data that contains dates or times by following these steps. To 
manually group selected items, see the

Help topic about grouping under See
also, above.

list of 2 items
1. Right-click a cell in the field you want to group, and then click Group. 
In the Grouping dialog box, select an

option, and then click OK.
2. To ungroup, click in the grouped field, right-click, and then select 
list end

Add a report filter

Use a report filter to focus on a subset of data in the report, often a 
product line, a time span, or a geographic


list of 1 items
. In the PivotTable Field List, right-click a field name, and then select 
Add to Report Filter.
list end

Pivot a report

When you pivot a PivotTable report, you transpose the vertical or horizontal 
view of a field, moving rows to the

column area or moving columns to the row

list of 1 items
. Right-click the field you want to pivot. Point to Move, and then select 
Move "field name" to Columns, or select

Move "field name" to Rows.
list end

Move a PivotTable report to another location
list of 2 items
1. Click the PivotTable report.
2. Click the Options tab on the Ribbon under PivotTable Tools. In the 
Actions group, click Move PivotTable.
list end

The Move PivotTable dialog box opens.

list of 1 items
3. Under Choose where you want the PivotTable report to be placed, either 
select New Worksheet, or in the

Location box for Existing Worksheet, type the
first cell in the range of cells where you want to locate the PivotTable 
report. Then click OK.
list end

Print a PivotTable report

To set printing options, click in the PivotTable report. Click the Options 
tab on the Ribbon under PivotTable

Tools. In the PivotTable group, click Options.
In the PivotTable Options dialog box, on the Printing tab, select the 
options you want.

Quick reference card
PivotTable II - Filter PivotTable report data in Excel 2007

. PivotTable I: Get started with PivotTable reports in Excel 2007
. Filter data in a PivotTable report or PivotChart report

Set a filter for text in Row Labels or Column Labels
list of 1 items
. Click the arrow next to Row Labels or Column Labels, depending on whether 
the field you want to filter is in the

row or column area of the report. When
you click that arrow, a menu appears with the Select field box at the top, 
which you use to select which field to

apply a filter to.
list end

The menu also shows a list of all the rows in whatever field you select. 
Looking at the items in the list is a way to

verify that you've selected the correct
field to filter. To filter the report:

list of 1 items
. Clear the check box next to (Select All) in the list to clear all the 
check boxes next to the items in the list. Then

click the check boxes next to the
items you want to display in the PivotTable report.
list end


list of 1 items
. Point to Label Filters and select a comparison operator such as Equals or 
Contains. In the Label Filter <Field

Name> dialog box, in the box on the right,
type text. Then click OK.
list end

You can also set a filter by clicking within a field instead of clicking the 
arrow next to Row Labels or Column


list of 2 items
. To hide selected items within a field, select the items, point to Filter, 
and then select Hide Selected Items.
. To display selected items within a field, select the items, point to 
Filter, and then select Keep Only Selected

list end

Set a value filter
list of 1 items
. Click the arrow next to Row Labels or Column Labels. Point to Value 
Filters, select a comparison operator such

as Equals, Does Not Equal, or Greater Than.
In the Value Filter <Field Name> dialog box, type numbers in the last box, 
and then click OK.
list end

Set a date filter
list of 3 items
. Click the arrow next to Row Labels or Columns Labels. You'll know if you 
are in an area in which you can filter

by dates if the Date Filters command is
. Clear the check box next to (Select All), and then select the check boxes 
next to the dates you want to display.

Click OK. Or,
. Click Date Filters, and then select a comparison operator such as Before, 
After, or Between. In the Date Filter

<Field Name> dialog box, type dates in
the empty boxes. Then click OK.
list end

Remove filters

You can remove filters one at a time, or you can quickly remove all filters 
at once.

Remove a filter in the PivotTable report

To remove a filter from a specific field, click the filter icon
Icon image
 wherever the filtered field appears in the report, either on Row Labels or 
on Column Labels. Then click Clear

Filter From <Field Name>. Or select the check
box next to (Select All) to make all data in that field visible.

To clear a filter on items within a field, right-click within a field, point 
to Filter, and then click Clear Filter From

<Field Name>.

If you do not see the Clear Filter From command for the filtered field:

list of 2 items
. Be sure that you have selected the correct area of the report to clear the 
filter from: either rows or columns.
. Is the correct field name shown in the Select field box? You see that box 
when you click the filter icon. The field

name in that box must match the name
of the field you want to clear the filter from. If the field name in the box 
is incorrect, select the correct field from

the list that appears when you
click the arrow next to the box.
list end

Remove a filter in the PivotTable Field List

Move the cursor over the filter icon
Button image
 next to the field name you want to remove the filter from. Click the arrow 
that appears, and then click Clear Filter

>From <Field Name>. Or select the check
box next to (Select All) to make all data in the field visible.

Remove all filters at one time

At the top of the window, on the Ribbon, click the Options tab under 
PivotTable Tools. In the Actions group, click

Clear, and then click Clear Filters.
Be sure you really want to do this before you undo all your selections.

Quick reference card
PivotTable III - Calculate data in PivotTable reports in Excel 2007

. PivotTable I: Get started with PivotTable reports in Excel 2007
. PivotTable II: Filter PivotTable report data in Excel 2007
. Calculate values in a PivotTable report
. Create, edit, or delete a PivotTable or PivotChart formula
. Design the layout and format of a PivotTable report
list end

Change summary functions

Excel automatically adds up numbers using the SUM function. You can change 
the summary function.

list of 2 items
1. Right-click in the Values field. Point to Summarize Data By, and then 
click the summary function you want to

2. To switch back to SUM, right-click again in the Values field, point to 
Summarize Data By, and then click Sum.
list end

Using custom calculations

To create a custom calculation, right-click in the Values area, point to 
Summarize Data By, and click More

Options. Click the Show values as tab, and then
click a function in the Show values as list.

You can use the following functions in a custom calculation:

table with 2 columns and 10 rows
Turns off custom calculation.
Difference From
Displays values as the difference from the value of the Base item in the 
Base field.
% Of
Displays values as a percentage of the value of the Base item in the Base 
% Difference From
Displays values as the percentage difference from the value of the Base item 
in the Base field.
Running Total in
Displays the value for successive items in the Base field as a running 
% of row
Displays the value in each row or category as a percentage of the total for 
the row or category.
% of column
Displays all the values in each column or series as a percentage of the 
total for the column or series.
% of total
Displays values as a percentage of the grand total of all the values or data 
points in the report.
Calculates a value as follows: ((value in cell) x (Grand Total of Grand 
Totals)) / ((Grand Row Total) x (Grand

Column Total)).
table end

Create your own formulas by using Calculated Fields
list of 3 items
1. At the top of the window, on the Ribbon, click the Options tab under 
PivotTable Tools. In the Tools group, click

the Formulas button, and then click
Calculated Field.
2. Type a name for the formula in the Name box, and type the formula in the 
Formula box. Then click OK.
3. To delete a formula, select the name in the Name box, and then click 
list end


The GETPIVOTDATA function works for cells in the Values area. The function 
is automatically entered when you

type an equal sign outside the PivotTable report
and select a single cell inside the Values area of the report. If you pivot 
a report, the function will return the data in

the referenced cell, even if
the cell has changed location.

GETPIVOTDATA is on by default, but you can turn it off if you prefer. At the 
top of the window, on the Ribbon,

click the Options tab under PivotTable Tools.
In the PivotTable group, click the arrow on Options, and then click Generate 

Dave Carlson
Oregonian, Musician, Woodworker, and Pioneer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Annette Carr" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:38 PM
Subject: [Bulk] [JAWS-Users] Excel 2010 Pivot Tables

Hi All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to be successful in using Excel2010 Pivot
Tables with JAWS16 or earlier?  If it is possible, does anyone have any
suggestions on where I can turn for instruction on how to create Pivot
Tables when using JAWS?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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