Using the m.facebook site I do the following:
1. In the search after pressing CTRL f I type photos and press enter.
(for the next step I suggest being at the bottom of the page)
2.  Press shift f3, and you should land on photos so press spacebar/or
enter on the link.
3.  Now CTRL f once more and type photo and press enter.
4.  This will locate the first instance of the word photo on the new
screen.  From memry you are looking for add a photo or upload a photo.
If none of those appear, press f3 to locate the next occurrence of the
word, u will find it, trust me.
5.  Click that link, press b to place you on the browse button and
locate your photo.
The last step should be locating a done button, upload button this is
where I forgot.
I can't double check at the moment, as I am at work and facebook is
restricted, but twitter isn't, go figure. hahaha.
I would put a placemarker on the photos link from the first step,
because if you search for it, and keep pressing shift f3, you will go
through tons of occurrances of the word photo for example,kimsan has
uploaded a new photo, david has uploaded a new photo, mike has
uploaded a new photo, etc.

On 6/8/15, j Bron <> wrote:
> How do you post a photo to Facebook?  Thanks!
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