Hi Mike,
This is the most comprehensive response I have received to date.  I
appreciate you taking the time to give me a worthwhile response.
Thank you.

John and linda justice
Personal e-mail: john_just...@verizon.net 

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On
Behalf Of Michael Boyd
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:09 AM
To: Jaws Users E-mail List


Here's my take on your questions, after having updated 2 of my computers to
Windows 10 in the past week. 1 of these computers was a Windows 7 machine,
and the other was an 8.1 machine.

1.        We know that Jaws doesn't work with the Edge browser or with the
e-mail client at this time.

2.       There is a solution since Internet Explorer is also an option with
Windows 10 and apparently, Windows Live Mail and Outlook do work with the
new operating system.

Answer for #s 1 & 2: You are right in what you are saying, but Internet
Explorer does work very well with Windows 10, and so does Windows Live Mail,
which I have used for years, and I have heard many saying that Outlook is
working well too, so this should not be a hold back from updating.

3.       Is there enough of a difference between Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
to make the change worth the transition?

Answer: I say yes, there is a huge difference. First, if you have had the
opportunity to use both Windows 7 and 8.1, then you know the differences
there, and as well, you know what you liked and disliked about both of them,
this being said, imagine an operating system that takes the best from each,
and combines them into one major upgrade, then, Microsoft gives it to you
for free! What's not to like? Secondly, I have not found very much in
Windows 10 that just does not work. Everything that I have tried so far,
except for Edge and the Mail app have worked well, even Cortana workkes
well, and "she" always seems to give me the information that I ask for, or
perform the task that I ask her to.
4.       Will Jaws be able to work with Edge and the e-mail client later on?
Answer: I say yes again. I believe that Microsoft and/or Freedom Scientific,
will do what ever it takes to make both of these applications work with JAWS
in the near future. It is true, that right now, they are both in an unusable
state, but this was mentioned up front, and the decisions to update have
still been in record breaking numbers. Mostly, I have heard only good
reviews of the program to this point, and yes, there have been some who have
experienced some problems trying to install the update, but many times, I
believe it has been because Microsoft's recommendations were not followed
during the process. I have installed the thing onto
2 of my computers so far, one of which I am about to give uto someone else
to use, and I am about to install Windows 10 onto my last computer, a Lenovo
desktop which I recently purchased. So far, I have not experienced any
problems with updating either of my computers, and the whole process takes
only about 2 hours to perform. I used narrator during both of my
installations to select the "Typical installation" option, and shortly
after, my computers rebooted and JAWS began speaking again. Nothing was lost
in the process, just as promised.

Having used Windows 10 for a little while now, I don't think that I would
want to go back to 7 or 8.1. Both are great operating systems, but both are
lacking in some areas that I believe are made up for in Windows 10. At any
rate, this is my opinion, and I believe it counts for something, if not to
anyone but me. I say to you, "Update man, you won't regret it".

-----Original Message-----
From: John Justice
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 5:14 PM
To: Jaws Users E-mail List

I feel as if I'm the only person in the room who sees the elephant.

1.        We know that Jaws doesn't work with the Edge browser or with the
e-mail client at this time.

2.       There is a solution since Internet Explorer is also an option with
Windows 10 and apparently, Windows Live Mail and Outlook do work with the
new operating system.

3.       Is there enough of a difference between Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
to make the change worth the transition?

4.       Will Jaws be able to work with Edge and the e-mail client later on?

UP till now, Microsoft has been very supportive where screen readers are
concerned.  Why then, is part of Windows 10 not accessible with Jaws? Or, is
it too early to load 10?

John and linda justice

Personal e-mail: john_just...@verizon.net

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