On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:

> It looks like a left over MDB was still attached to queue/testQueue and was
> eating messages.  I was confused about this, but I guess JBossMQ is doing a
> good job at not starving any listeners, which would explain the sometimes
> working behavor that I was seeing.
> So I modified the MDB test to undeploy its support applications after all
> the other tests ran.  The running the mdb test and then the jmsra test would
> succeed (ala mdbtest.sh & jmsratest.sh).

Hm, I have never run the complete tests, therefore I never stumbled on the
problem. Another way of solving the probem is ofcourse to let for example
jmsra use some of the other queues that are defined in a standard
jbossmw.xml file.

> I tried running the full test (ala sh ./build.sh -f run_tests.xml) but
> started getting odd server hangs while the application was being undeployed.
> It looked like it was going to just stay wedged, but would eventually
> continue with some messages about lost connections and such (I don't have
> the exact output... anymore... it scrolled... damn all that Address
> passivation fluff).

Hm, hard for me to say anyting about it. I have not tested JMS and MDB at
al since Hiram made the latest changes to the ServerSessionPool stuff.

> So, I have fixed another problem, which led to yet another problem.  Not to
> mention getting the build system to correctly handle an added nested class
> and then waiting for it to completly rebuild the testsuite each time.
> On that note, I am almost finished with a simple build system.  Actually I
> spent most of last week toying with ant to get it to cooperate with me.  I
> am using my lgpl class library bliss as a test currently.  I plan on
> converting all projects at work (which currently use an older version) to
> this shortly and I think that it would be especially useful to this project.
> I am not really sure if anyone else is working on something like this.  I
> remember seeing some email from Marc about something.
> When it gets closer to finished (mid next week) I will explain a little
> more.
> --jason
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