On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 08:48:15AM +0200, Vincent Harcq wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to add a feature that will allow to set the FetchSize associated with
> Statement in Jaws/JBossPool.
> The default FetchSize is in fact dependant of the driver (and is not always
> 0, meaning get all records), that's an hazardous thing imho.
> 1. A bit like IsolationLevel that we can specify on the Pool setting, add a
> FetchSize attribute.

Why not just set the fetch size on the Statement when you create it?
This doesn't feel like an attribute of the connection pool to me, but
of the particular query you're executing.

> 2. For any finder method add a fetch-size deployment descriptor in jaws.
> Comments ?

This makes sense to me.


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