Hi David, 
[This thread was actually started in the messaging forum

David Jencks wrote:
> Aha! you have to set minsize 0 in the pool unless you
> can supply default credentials to the adapter.  In
> this case, the adapter does not support UserName and
> Password attributes, so you can't.  The "Minsize"
> connections are created with no context, so there is
> no way to get a Subject unless the adapter is
> configured with a default. (JBoss can't really know
> that the ManyToOnePrincipalMapping always returns the
> same Subject)

Hm, I think this is more hairy than this. What will it meen to create a
pooled JmsManagedConnection (JMS Session) without any context?

Well, as far as I can see it this will not work even if you pass the
Subject test. Why? Because a JMS Session may be of two types: Queue or
Topic. Which type the client really want is carried in the
ConnectionRequestInfo. And JmsManagedConnection is written with the
expectation that this will never be null.

I know that the JmsConnectionRequestInfo defaults to a topic type, but
the initial context-less connection will have the info set to null, so
that does not help much.

> So -- you should set minsize 0 and we should add
> UserName and Password to the rar (and provide them to
> ManagedConnections as default).

You mean in JmsManagedConnectionFactory? I.e much like just another
jar-attribute? Is this already done today, i.e if a
ManagedConnectionFactory contains a setUserName, will the stuff from the
principal mapping be set at the ManagedConnectionFactory, or how does it

(You have to excuse mee if this actually should be obvious, I have not
more that tuched the code, not to say looked in the spec, for almost 6
month, so I am cind of rusty on the jca/ra stuff).
> And I should add a comment in the manual about this
> gotcha.
> Peter, would you like to do this (modify the rar) or
> shall I?

It is fixable I guess. If we can live with some defaults (that might not
allways do whats expected), i.e for example that context less
connections is allways topics.

> thanks
> david jencks
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