On 2002.04.18 02:26:53 -0400 Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> Hi David
> What shall I do with you ?

1. tag your website builds

2. Include the website in the testsuite.

>From checking out jboss-all, I get the idea that it is all of jboss I have
to worry about when I change things, and I think running build/build.sh
clean main and testsuite/build.sh clean tests is all the testing available.
 If you want something else to work, you need to make it obvious when it is

As the xdoclet people note, they are having some trouble finding out to
what extent xdoclet is working with jboss.

> The current XDoclet in /tools is buggy !!!!!!!!!!!
> It does not work with EJB-CMP column-names
> (the good old "@jboss:column-name" is not
> working and the new "@ejb-persistence" is not
> working, either).
> ATTENTION: when you change /tools you change
> this also for "jboss-website" (maybe more).
> Maybe it would be a good idea if we label "beta"
> archives with another name to indicate that this
> is not a fully tested version ?

No nontrivial software is fully tested.  The xdoclet I checked in worked
fine to compile jboss, the testsuite, and the jmx-api docs, which is all it
is required to do IMO until someone provides a test methodology for other
tasks.  And, for the first time, it had reproducible source since I tagged
to xdoclet cvs.
> Have fun


> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Andreas Schaefer
> Senior Consultant
> JBoss Group, LLC
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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