>>I bet you can find the source for org.omb.ORB somewhere...
>Yes I did. And guess what is the difference between the Sun version and
>the IBM version of org.omg.CORBA.ORB...
>Sun's ORB.init:
>    ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
>    if (cl == null)
>        cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
>    try {
>        return (ORB) Class.forName(className, true, cl).newInstance();
>    }
>    ...
>IBM's ORB.init:
>    // Dont use the ContextClassLoader because it would potentially
>    // allow an untrusted applet to install the shared singleton ORB.
>    // ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
>    ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
>    singleton = create_impl(className, cl);
>where create_impl(className, cl) does a
>    return (ORB) Class.forName(className, true, cl).newInstance();

Fuck... love java... love jvm vendors... write once, pray it works 
everywhere... bastards.


>(The IBM guys commented out the TCL stuff on purpose.)
>What now? I cannot see no other way out... Either we require IBM users 
>to say 
>    export JBOSS_CLASSPATH=$JBOSS_HOME/lib/jacorb.jar
>or we hack run.sh to do it for them.

I would say file a bug on the IBM vm, then document for those users that 
because IBM changed there impl that they need to do some special work. 
 And perhaps show them a link to the bug report so they can bitch too.

This way we don't complicate the system for everyone else... only those 
using IBM.

I really wish these classes (among others) were not in the core JRE, so 
we could simply insist that they use a version that works.  Is it 
possible that a different version of these classes could be put on the 
jboss classpath (in lib/*) for this to work...

One day, the JRE will contain every possible buggy version of every 
possible api and every different jvm vendor will fix the bugs in 
non-standard ways and the entire java movement will fall flat on its 
face... thanks SUN... =[


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