Max Rydahl Andersen [] created 
the discussion

"Re: SOA Tools status?"

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Short answer: Yes, you do not need to purchase a JBoss Developer Studio 
Portfolio Edition to use for Development.

Long answer:

JBoss Developer Studio (Free) and JBoss Developer Studio Portfolio Edition 
(99$) are two different things.

Meaning the product that costs 99$ and is named "JBoss Developer Studio 
Portfolio Edition" is for getting access to the productized runtimes (like 
SOA-P, EAP, RHEL, etc.) to test and doing development.

JBoss Developer Studio is a set of plugins and an installer supported by Red 
Hat if you have a subscription otherwise with Red Hat.

The output and usage of JBoss Developer Studio is not limited to be used 
togheter with a subscription - the artifacts you create with Developer Studio
is completely up to you and owned by you.

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