Mauricio Salatino [] created the 

"Re: jBPM clone, compile and deploy"

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Hi George,
I totally understand what you mean, I'm a jBPM core and console developer using 
netbeans  :) .
The thing is, that all the web tooling provided by the project is using GWT, so 
for most of the projects we (and the technology of course) allows us to start 
the apps in Dev Mode (also know as hosted mode) or if you want to run the app 
for your end users you have a set of project called -distribution wars, which 
are wars specifically created for different application servers/servlet 
containers. If you want to run the Uberfire Showcase Webapp from netbeans, you 
can but in hosted mode (that means that it will be using a jetty instance 
started by the maven gwt plugin). For doing that you need to run the: mvn 
gwt:run goal, which you can easily do from inside netbeans. If you want to 
deploy the app to jboss please look at the distribution wars. 

The same for all the other tools like the jbpm console ng showcase, the drools 
workbench, etc.


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