Here is some more information with seam's logging turned up:

18:31:10,020 DEBUG [Lifecycle] destroying conversation context
  | 18:31:10,020 DEBUG [Contexts] destroying: userAdminPword
  | 18:31:10,020 DEBUG [Contexts] destroying: facesMessages
  | 18:31:10,020 DEBUG [Contexts] destroying: entityManager
  | 18:31:10,020 DEBUG [ManagedPersistenceContext] destroying seam managed 
persistence context for persistence unit: java:/bethanyEntityManagerFactory
  | 18:31:10,023 DEBUG [Contexts] destroying: userAdmin
  | 18:31:10,024 DEBUG [SeamInterceptor] not intercepted: destroy
  | 18:31:10,036 DEBUG [Contexts] destroying: currentUser
  | 18:31:10,036 DEBUG [Lifecycle] flushing server-side conversation context

For some reason, the @Begin(join=true) on my "public String onLoad()" method 
seems to be being ignored. So when I click a link, my list is no longer around 
as the conversation is dead. 

Will keep looking, but not sure why Seam is ignoring the @Begin

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