lo and behold, i've solved this one.  by chance i was going through the
jboss docs and came across the new classloading information.  all i had to
do was remove the app1-common.jar and manifest from my second application
and everything works.  

i'm still a little confused my original trial would work only untill i
redeploy application 2, then i would get linkage errors, but i'm not going
to bang my head against the wall anymore.

thank you jboss group for the phenomenal documentation!  

-----Original Message-----
From: Sonnek, Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 2:28 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] referencing bean in separate ear

you would think i'd have this down by now, but obviously i don't.  =)  how
can i reference an ejb that is deployed in a separate ear file?  running
jboss 3.0.6 on win2k, here's my application setup:



each manifest contains the line Class-Path: ./app1-common.jar
looking at the JNDITree from the jmx console, it shows that app1 ejb is
bound to the java:/ejb namespace, but looking up the ejb using Local or
Remote has continuously failed.  the errors i get are LinkageError or Name
not bound.  can anyone help me out?


Ryan J. Sonnek
Brown Printing Company
J2EE Application Developer

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