Hi All

I am very new in Clustering my objective is to achive this gole :-

1. How does Clustering work with the servlet?

2. Does it "share" a servlet?

3. What happens with sessions?

4. Are they passed around to other servers in the cluster?

I wanted to know how far i am from my goal. Till now I've done this:

- I have deployed snoop.war example
- Added <distributable/> to my app's web.xml
- Enabled JGStore in jbossweb.sar/meta-inf/jboss-service.xml.

After that i got this Messages on the consoule

14:47:18,787 INFO [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/C:/jboss-3.0.6/server/all/deploy/snoop.war/
14:47:18,817 INFO [Manager] cloning Manager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
14:47:18,817 INFO [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributableSessionManager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
14:47:18,917 INFO [jbossweb] Registered jboss.web:Jetty=0,JBossWebApplicationContext=4,context=/snoop
14:47:19,037 INFO [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributable true
14:47:19,187 INFO [JBossWebApplicationContext#/snoop] using Distributable HttpSession Manager: org.
14:47:19,247 INFO [JGStore] current view members: []
14:47:19,267 INFO [STDOUT]
GMS: address is WWW-Two:2416
14:47:21,300 INFO [JGStore] viewAccepted([WWW-Two:2416|0] [WWW-Two:2416])
14:47:21,310 WARN [JGStore] merging... NYI
14:47:21,310 INFO [JGStore] current view members: []
14:47:21,320 INFO [JGStore] could not retrieve current sessions from JavaGroups - assuming this to be initial node
14:47:21,330 INFO [jbossweb] Started WebApplicationContext[/snoop,file:/C:/jboss-3.0.6/server/all/deploy/snoop.war/]
14:47:21,390 INFO [jbossweb] successfully deployed file:/C:/jboss-3.0.6/server/all/deploy/snoop.war/ to /snoop
14:47:21,400 INFO [MainDeployer] Deployed package: file:/C:/jboss-3.0.6/server/all/deploy/snoop.war/
14:47:21,410 INFO [URLDeploymentScanner] Started
14:47:21,410 INFO [MainDeployer] Deployed package: file:/C:/jboss-3.0.6/server/all/conf/jboss-service.xml
14:47:21,431 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.0.6 (CVSTag=JBoss_3_0_6 Date=200301260037)] Started in 0m:33s:699ms
14:47:40,678 INFO [DefaultPartition] New cluster view: 1 ([WWW-Two:2411, WWW-THREE:1268])
14:47:40,688 INFO [DefaultPartition:ReplicantManager] Dead members: 0
14:57:21,333 INFO [Manager] local scavenging...
15:07:21,336 INFO [Manager] local scavenging...

Can anybody let me know what is wrong in this process?

Thanks in advance,


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