Nicholas and Stephano, I've tried to get this working numerous times in the past, but I'm still not there. You can find my previous posts on this by searching the archives.

Nicholas, I can load the JBoss classes into the Oracle JVM using loadjava. But whenever I try to run the simplest EJB invocation, I get all kinds of errors. Have you successfully invoked a method on an EJB running under JBoss from within an Oracle stored procedure? If so, I would very much like details on how you did this. Would make a great HOWTO for this group. Thanks.

Nicholas wrote:

I have had some luck loading classes using a custom
Ant task.  It is really just a wrapper for LoadJava
but easier to use if you are Ant inclined. It looks
like this:
        <patternset id="oracle.load.classes">
                <include name="jbossall-client.jar"/>
        <target name="LoadJBossToOracle">
                <OracleLoadJava oci="on" user="SCOTT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
resolve="on" debug="on" force="on" noverify="on"
verbose="on" noserverside="on" schema="scott"
synonym="on" time="on">
                        <fileset dir="C:/jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24/client">
                                <patternset refid="oracle.load.classes"/>
                        <grant name="scott"/>

The keys are the following:

1. Defer resolution until the second pass. (set
2. Recompile all classes when you are done. You can
generate a script to do this as follows:

select 'ALTER JAVA CLASS <USER NAME>."' || object_name
|| '" COMPILE;' from ALL_OBJECTS where object_type in

Run the output as a SQL script. It will take quite a
long time.......

Anyways, email me off line and I'll send you the Ant
tasks, examples and doc.


--- Stefano Maestri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are trying to write a java Stored procedure for
oracle that call a session bean. We are experiencing some troble because when
we set the InitialContext we get an error because
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory is not present in Aurora. We tryied to load it (extracted
from jbossall-client.jar), but Oracle failed to resolve that class. We tryied
also to load all jbossall-client.jar with a lot of resolving error.
Ideas? Domeone had already did something like that.
We are using Jboss-3.2.1 for the bean (and for the jabossall-client.jar) and
Oracle 9.2 on HP-UX for the DB.
Thanks a lot for the attention.

P.S.: We had not also javax.ejb in Aurora, but it
load correctly.

--------------- all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy --------------- bye Stefano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSN messanger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ uin: 122192578
Jabber: canezen
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#jedit IRC channel as <maeste>


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