Edgar, please identify what version you are using. I'm not saying what you are seeing isn't true, but as you know from these forums, inevitably when a runaway connection problem appears, it is because of the application not closing connections somewhere. That "somewhere" is not always easy to find. We've been using Oracle 9i for quite some time now (at least a year) and some of our EJBs have been running for 150 days without exhausting connections.

Perhaps one easy place to start is to turn on tracing for a particular datasource this is happening with. You should be able to watch the logs and do a count of connections obtained from the pool and returned to the pool. These 2 numbers should obviously stay the same.

Edgar Silva wrote:

Hi All...

My friends, I spent almost 3 weeks with a big problem
with JBoss's DataSource.

I am using Oracle, and I am sure of to close the connections
after my events. However, seem never  JBoss closes these
connections... Then this fact happens every time , until to explode
the number of connections, causing JBoss's restart.

In more details: The number of connections grow from: 3-12-20-26-30-46.......214.... Then the service fails.

This Application is WebService providing searches against a DataBase, with some services with EJB and JMS. The only problem is above, with connections about DataSource.

I am using Oracle 9i and the newest jdbc driver....

Any Idea?

Since now Thanks


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