Hey all,

Is this a better place than the jboss forums to get

Anyway, I am most impressed with the feature set of
JBoss clustering. Bill/Sacha did a great job.

There are some issues which I have come across though
and would like to point out, and possibly get help on
if I am doing it wrong.

So lets start off on the list:

1) Hot-farming works great, but only on already
running nodes, and only if you drop in the .jar for
the first time. When I re-deploy the .jar into one
node, it redeploys on that server/node, but doesn't
farm out to the other nodes. Thus, the only way
currently to redeploy is delete (or move) the .jar out
of a node's farm dir, then put in the new version. I
don't see that this would be a hard fix. Some sort of
file comparison in the url checking routine that
already works when you drop a file in the farm dir (or
deploy dir). The code is already there to redeploy, so
I am not sure why it wont update the other nodes.

But worse, is if you bring up a new "clean" node. I
actually think i saw a message saying it was looking
for node deployments, but I either get an error
indicating unfinsihed deployment, or nothing at all
occurs. Thus, if I bring on a new fresh node to
"expand" my cluster, I have to undeploy/deploy the app
for the new node to get it via farming. This should be
part of the normal process.. that is a new node comes
online, it automatically picks up any farming and/or
deploy files.

2) What is farm-sevice.xml really for? We have seen
that if we drop a file in the deploy dir, it gets
farmed out. Yet, if we put farm-service.xml which
seems to only indicate the ./farm dir, the farm dir
works. I don't have farm-service.xml in my deploy
folder and the farm directory still works. So I am a
bit confused as to the real purpose of this xml config
file, if it is still used, or does JBoss just
automatically deploy anything in deploy and if a farm
dir exists, that as well?

Some things we have learned and might help others to
watch out for:

We have been testing our client app with three nodes
at one time. We were seeing very odd round robin
behavior and finally realized that our single button
click was making several ejb calls. Also, we had
output in only one part of the ejb side, and not
everything, so we were mislead in not seeing all the
possible output that was going on. What I advise is
that if you are testing an app, watching the console
output of your nodes, make sure you have verbose,
debug and any other mode on, and make sure you know
specifically what you are testing to watch for. We
originally didn't think about this, it was something
pretty simple to miss. We had the "query" output, but
didn't think that the query may be cached, for
example, so sometimes it may not have been printed,
but did execute on a given server node and we thought
it wasn't working.

Anyway, myself and another chap in the forums are
considering writing initially a simple, but eventually
a generic comprehensive J2ee clustering test
application where by various scenarios would be
handled to ensure clustering is working, and also
provide some sort of performance specs and graphing as
to a given setups scalability and so forth. Before we
venture on to this, is there any free or open-source
application that is already in progress like this?


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