Title: Message
 I have an ear file with the following structure:


In the ejb-jar.xml i define a Stateless Session bean with local interfaces.
In web.xml i use the following markup to define a local ejb ref:


When i use the usual application archive everything works ok but when i use an exploded archive i get the following error:

12:53:08,202 ERROR [MainDeployer] could not start deployment: file:/C:/jboss3.2/server/default/deploy/xxx.ear/xxx.war/
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error during deploy; - nested throwable: (javax.naming.NamingException: ejb-local-ref: 'ejb/OrganizationChartManagerLocalHome', with web.xml ejb-link: 'xxxEJB.jar#OrganizationChartManager' failed to resolve to an ejb with a LocalHome)
at org.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainer.start(AbstractWebContainer.java:440)
at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.start(MainDeployer.java:824)
at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.start(MainDeployer.java:816)

Is there any idea on how to bypass this problem?

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