I got following error when try to run a java code in JBoss.

15:39:56,696 ERROR [LogInterceptor] Unexpected Error:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Thilina (Truncated class file)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:537)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:448)
at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.StringCompiler$Loader.findClass(StringCompiler
at com.sun.tools.javac.v8.StringCompiler.executeMethod(Str
at cc.aot.qVoice.domain.ejb.qVoiceManager.qVoiceManagerEJB.getVxmlString

I use JBoss 3.0.6 and sdk 1.4. In my program, classes are create and load on the fly. Then using Reflection API I called some methods in the dynamically created class(this class not
write into a file and it is taken as a String variable).

I refferd this url as a guid to write class loader and compiler.(actually same thing i copied
from there and change it's name Pmat1 to StringCompiler)

When I run this as a normal application, it is work well. Then I try to run it in a jboss and it will give the above error. In here I Wote some EJBs and struts also and i called the methodds in the StringCompiler(Pamat1) class in a EJB. Thilina is the name of the dynamically created calss and StringCompiler is the class that includes the class loader and compiler methods as in the above url. qVoiceManagerEJB has a getvxmlString method. Whithin this method
i called required the methods in the String compiler.

I call the executeMethod() in the getVxmlStrin() method in qVoiceManagerEJB classs which implemenys the sessionBean interface. It calls as normall java calling ..
StringCompiler sc =new StringCompiler();
Treated as.......
StringCompiler = Pmat1

Thanx in advanced for any help.

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