Is the "autonumber" the only problem? How does it work?


Subramanian Ananthram wrote:

We are using Hypersonic database with JBOSS 3.0.0, tomcat 4.0.3 with CMP. If
JBOSS is terminated abnormally, then we have observed that some of the
tables in the database is corrupted. For eg: we are using
Jbossautoutilnumber table for auto generation of primary keys. But we have
seen that after this abnormal termination that the auto number key is haivng
a number which is already used for creating a primary key

Eg: Table:
Jbossautoutilnumber field ABC -> 50

Table: Employee

OID - 2
Name - CDE
OID - 56 Name - ABC

In the above example, we have a employee table with OID 56 and to generate a
new employee record we generate the auto number from Jbossautoutilnumber and
field ABC ( this number is 50) , so obviously when try to create a record
with OID as 50, it will thro a duplicate key exception. This behaviour happens when JBOSS is abnormally terminated.
Can somebody help me here.
Thanking in advance

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