Each of our servers handles roughly 50k jsp pages + 450k other files
each day. We're using JBoss3.2.1 + Jetty 4.2.9.

Does anyone have a recommendation as to how many threads we should allow
Jetty to have? We've got it currently set to the default (100), but
periodicly we're running out of threads with the following error messages:

=2003-11-10 11:48:52,143 [Acceptor ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8080]] WARN [jbossweb] WARNING: No thread for Socket[addr=/,port=48196,localport=8080]

(We're proxing through apache which is running on each machine, incase
you're wondering why it's

Here's the configuration we're using:

<attribute name="ConfigurationElement">
     <Configure class="org.mortbay.jetty.Server">

      <Call name="addListener">
         <New class="org.mortbay.http.SocketListener">
           <Set name="Port"><SystemProperty name="jetty.port"
           <Set name="MinThreads">10</Set>
           <!-- <Set name="MaxThreads">100</Set> -->
           <Set name="MaxThreads">100</Set>
           <Set name="MaxIdleTimeMs">30000</Set>
           <Set name="LowResourcePersistTimeMs">5000</Set>

thanks. .peter

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