
Only root can open process that listen to TCP/IP ports lower than 1024.

Maybe this could help:

"Tell iptables to forward incoming requests on port 80 to tomcat" (http://rimuhosting.com/support/jsphosting.jsp) --------------------------------------------------------------- Running Tomcat on Port 80 If you would like Tomcat to run on port 80 (the standard HTTP port):

# prevent Apache from running on startup
chkconfig --del httpd
# stop Apache from running right now
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
# tell iptables to forward incoming requests on port 80 to tomcat
/sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

iptables can be a better solution than telling tomcat to listen on port 80. Since any service that listens on port 80 must be a privileged user. This way, the user that runs tomcat can remain a regular, non-privileged user.

You should add the iptables command to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file so that the port forwarding is set up after each reboot.

Ricardo Argüello


I would like to run jboss as non-root user (at unix). It works when his servlet
container runs on port 8080, but if I swith to port 80, I must run it as root.

Is it intent or do I something wrong?

Thanks, Jiri

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Ricardo Argüello [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ndeveloper.com

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