At 10:32 AM 12/15/00 +0100, Michiel Meeuwissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Troy Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skribis:
>> To summarize things I've read on the list recently... and
>> tried myself.
>> I believe the preferred method is to use JDebug instead of JDB whenever
>> you have a JVM that supports JPDA (Sun's j2sdk 1.3.0 for Linux
>> includes JPDA, so you already have it installed).  See the JDebug
>> user's guide on the JDE site regarding setting for JDebug
>> (as opposed to setting up for JDB).
>I would like to use JDebug, but it doesn't work as well. Probably because I
>don't know where this JPDA is supposed to be, and neither does JDE.
>~$ locate jpda

This question is answered explicitly and in great detail in the JDEbug
user's guide. I suggest that you take Troy's advice and RTFM.

>I've tried oldjdb, which perhaps does work a little, but not very well in
>jde, for example I cannot see where the current position is (no arrow,
>nothing) Perhaps because of this:
>main[1] list
>24         public class test {
>25             public static void  main(String[] args) { 
>26      =>      ExprCalc cl = new ExprCalc("1+2");
>27              System.out.println((int)cl.getResult());
>28              B b=new B();
>29              b.avalue();
>30              if (1 == 1) {
>main[1] step
>Breakpoint hit: java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal (ClassLoader:313)
>main[1] list
>Unable to find

See jde-db-source-directories.

Again, the topic of how to tell the JDE where to find the source for class
files on your system is covered in the JDEbug and JDB user's guide. Save
yourself and us time by reading the documentation.

- Paul

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