ant is a much faster build tool than make as it compiles the changed source
files in one go rather than spawning processes for compiling each file. 

see for more info.

Actually, there was a discussion on this list a couple weeks ago about "jde
and ant", which you could check out in the archives too ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 January 2001 15:59
Subject: JMaker help: find .class files in other directory than source


I am just starting to try and use JMaker again (see  I
still have the same obstacle that prevented me from using it previously (and
this time I really want to use it, and am making the time to get it to
work): I do not know how to get it to generate the makefile so make finds my
existing class files.

Anyone using JMaker and can give me tip(s)?  Hopefully I am just missing
something I am supposed to do...

I actually think JMaker should be changed, but I am not sure how yet.  I
emailed Mr. Ponce quite awhile ago on this, but did not receive a reply.
Hopefully someone else has also encountered this and has an easy solution.

Basically, JMaker assumes the .class files are in the same directory as the
.java files for the target/source comparison generated for make.  This does
not work for an organized source and build environment.

Here is an example:
This generated make variable looks good:
JAVAC_FLAGS = -classpath ".;c:/devroot/target/dev/build/class" -g -d
c:/devroot/target/dev/build/class -deprecation -verbose

But this generated target is missing the class output directory and package
directory prefixed to the class file name for make to find and compare (make
always compiles it because make thinks the target does
not exist):
CLASS_FILES = DataLoader.class

So I think adding the class output directory and package directory to the
beginning of class file names generated in CLASS_FILES is the solution.  I
haven't looked carefully at this yet, and there may be other ramifications
of doing so.

Manually updating the makefiles is possible, but not the intent of
automatically generating makefiles!

Also is the need for adjustment of the other targets, such as clean:.

Any help?!

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